Now you can produce running Headers/Footers quickly and easily. With this XTension, you simply tag the text items either on screen with your mouse or during origination on another device. After loading the text into a document, you then hide the tags so they don't produce readable text anymore, but are still recognized by the XTension. There are three types off output available; first headline text of the actual page, last headline of the actual page and previous headline if the new headline is not at the start of the actual page. Options include:
• Handling of visible and invisible headline text definitions
• Running headline text can be combined with keyed text
• 9 levels of running headline text
• Automatic repeating of the last headline text of every level
• User definable exception tables for conversion into upper case, lower case, small caps, lower case except the first character of a word and truncate headline text
• Generation of headlines repeatable as many times as required.